

Shangipour Ataei

Machine Learning Researcher

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About Me

I completed my Master in Computer Engineering(CE) focusing on Artificial Intelligence(AI) at the Department of Computer Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology. Also, I was a member of the Multi-Agent Systems lab and was a teaching assistant of the course of the multi-agent systems. My main research interest is focused on solving real-world problems, especially Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, by applying machine learning techniques. Hence, I've been a member of a research group at Data Mining Lab focused on NLP tasks where I have co-authored several papers and participated in various NLP shared tasks.


Iran University of Science and Technology

Sept 2017 - Feb 2021

Master of Computer Engineering - Artificial Intelligence

Islamic Azad University - Bandar Abbas branch

Sept 2009 - Feb 2012

Bachelor of Computer Engineering - Software

Enghelab-e Eslami Technical College of Tehran

Sept 2006 - Feb 2008

Associate of Computer Engineering - Software



Pars-ABSA is an aspect-based sentiment analysis on Farsi product reviews with more than 10,000 manually annotated instances in three (Positive, Neutral and Negative) calsses that can be used in both tasks of Aspect Extraction (AE) and Aspect Classification (AC).

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Pars-OFF is the first publicly available benchmark for offensive language detection in three different levels on Farsi social media.



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